Monday, January 9, 2012

Let your dreams always be greater than your memories!

Aasta 2012:
uus algus, uus lootus ja uued mõtted. Otsustasin mõned mõtted jagada :)

Jõulutuhin möödas, on kätte jõudnud hetked, kus on võimalik lihtsalt olla: rahus, oma mõtetega, ideedega ja eelkõige Jumalaga. Otsida, otsida..

On aega märgata kodusoojust, loodust ja inimesi enda ümber.

Aeg märgata uut, mida meie Taevane Isa on tegemas meie keskel...

Your greatest ministry is before and not behind you.
Your greatest days are ahead and not behind you.
Your greatest marriage memories are in your future and not in your past.

Your best moments with your kids have yet to happen.

Your greatest accomplishments are before you

Don´t let your past limits define your future, but let the Word of God and His promises define your future!

Poem, that just melted my heart:

For today we`re facing problems
Man alone can never solve,
For it takes much more than genius
To determine and resolve
The conditions that confront us
All around on every side,
Daily mounting in intensity
like the restless, rising tide

But we´ll find new Strength and Wisdom
If instead of proud resistance...
We humbly call upon the Lord
And seek Divine Assistance;
For the spirit can unravel
Many tangled, knotted threads
That defy the skill and power
Of the world`s best hands and heads.

For the plans of growth and progress
Of which we all have dreamed,
Cannot survive materially
Unless the spirit is redeemed.
So as another Year dawns,
Let us seek the Lord in prayer
And place our future hopes and plans
Securely in God´s care.

Written by Helen S. Rice

Rõõmu teile,