Saturday, February 11, 2012

Frozen waves

A prayer hidden and silent
Stones submerged by winter’s blanket
Covered and cold beneath the grip of frost

If they could but speak of the wishes, the hopes,
Desires and fears uttered here
Frozen in the gossamer of time

Wishes written on the footfalls and on the breezes
Of another moment, another season
Hearts open in the stillness of the walking
The mix of stones and soil, moss and grass under foot

Reverent periods of reflection
Between man and God
Cries heard in the silence beyond the field
Through the frozen prayers
In the ground.
By R.Foss

Have you ever felt like you have been praying but God hasn’t been hearing your prayer? Or maybe you have been working hard to grow in virtue but see no change in your life despite your best efforts? Maybe you’ve felt like you just don’t know how to pray anymore, although you continue to set aside time to be with Him...
Let’s put a pot of ice water on the stove and turn on the heat. We will watch the temperature on a thermometer to measure the change in water temperature as the pot sits on the heat, and we won’t look inside that pot. Now, if we watch that thermometer for a while, we will begin to think that nothing is happening. Heat is being applied to the water, but the water isn't feeling warmer.

Suddenly there is a rise in temperature! How can the water go from cold to hot so quickly? Well, the water temperature doesn't rise - it doesn’t change - until all the ice is melted. It seems as though nothing is happening, but something is happening - the heat energy is melting the ice rather than raising the water temperature. Only when all the ice is melted is the heat energy finally able to warm up the water temperature.

Doesn't this make you think of the spiritual life? We may feel as though we work and work to grow in virtue but with no results. Sometimes in our prayer we may feel that we are stuck, that we have stopped moving closer to God. Where is He? Why can’t we reach Him? He may seem very far away. Well, God is often working in the secret of our hearts. Sometimes there are hard, icy parts of us that need to melt before the heat of God’s love can continue to transform other aspects of our lives. We can’t always see those bits and pieces of ice hidden often so deep within our souls, and thankfully God usually reveals them to us just a little at a time so as not to overwhelm us. But if we pray, if we partake of the sacrament, then we are applying heat – the heat of God’s love and mercy. Change is taking place, we must just continue to trust and to love.

Photos taken 11.02.12 in Jägala juga and Valkla beach.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Trust is the word

Everybody, everywhere
seeks happiness, it’s true,
But finding it and keeping it
seem difficult to do.
Difficult because we think
that happiness is found
Only in the places where
wealth and fame abound.
And so we go on searching
in palaces of pleasure
Seeking recognition
and monetary treasure,
Unaware that happiness
is just a state of mind
Within the reach of everyone
who takes time to be kind.
For in making others happy
we will be happy, too.
For the happiness you give away
returns to shine on you.

- Helen Steiner Rice-

Usaldus. Miks on meil nii raske usaldada? Maailmas, mis iga päev otsib uut väljakutset, uut põnevust, leida see miski, mis toob hetkeks rõõmu ja rahuldust.
Igaüks justkui elab endale, enda vajadustele- saada rohkem kogemusi, rohkem võimalusi, rohkem raha, tarkust.
Milleks see kõik? Kuhu on kadunud usaldus... inimeste vahel, usaldus Jumala vastu?
Me tahame saada palju, aga pole nõus loobuma mitte millestki.
Olete märganud, et loobudes millestki, koged suurt muutust oma elus? Mis sellest, et alguses on raske. Meie loomuses on raske millestki loobuda.
Aga kõige põnevam on see, et mida rohkem me usaldame oma mured, probleemid, vead Jumala kätte, seda kergem meil endal on.
Meie taevane Isa tahab võtta meilt need koormad, ükskõik kui rasked need meile endale tunduvad.
Koos Temaga, on kõik võimalik.
Usu mind, Ta tahab meid siiralt aidata, kui me vaid lubaksime... kui me vaid usaldaksime.

Where there is faith in God, there is hope. Where there is hope, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is FREEDOM.

Miks ainult siis, kui on rasked olukorrad, oskame otsida ja usaldada Jumalat? Nagu oleks see viimane koht, kust abi otsida. Kuid miks mitte õppida usaldama Teda iga päev, igapäevastes otsustes, oma rutiinsetes tegevustes.

As children bring their broken toys
With tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God
Because He was my friend.

But then instead of leaving Him
In peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help
With ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back and cried,
“How could you be so slow”
“My child,” He said, “What could I do?
You never did let go.”

Dear Lord,
I trust that I deserve unconditional love.
All my problems, my thoughts and my days,
all I I have I put my trust in You.
You are my refuge and fortress,
My God in You I will trust.