Kas südames võib tõesti olla rahu ka siis kui ümberringi kõik mässab, lokkab rahutus ja rahulolematus? Kas südames võib olla tõesti rõõm ka siis kui on raske ja lained löövad üle pea?
Jah :)
Jesus is the Fountain, yes, the Ocean, of living waters. We draw supplies from His infinite, inexhaustible fulness. "Lord, impart to me more of Yourself. Fill this heart with Your love, engrave Your image there, and let me not lose sight of You for one small moment."
Jesus is all in all to me. I feel a blessed nearness to Him, to heaven. My soul holds converse with Him, and sweet I find it to lie as a helpless infant at His feet; yes, passive in His loving hands, knowing no will but His.
Kuidas tahaksin näha suuremat pilti. Mitte olla kinni väikestes asjades- unistada suurelt ja teha väikeseid tegusid oma unistust järgides.
What a mercy, thus to unburden the whole heart; the tried and weary, the tempted and sorrowful heart; tried by sin, tried by Satan, tried by those you love! What a mercy to have a loving bosom to flee to, one truly loving heart to confide in, which responds to the faintest breathing of the Spirit! "Precious Jesus, how inexpressibly dear are You to me at this moment! Keep sensibly near to me. Lift up upon me Your heavenly countenance, for it is sweeter, dearer, better than life!"
Tunnen ennast tihti abituna, kuna tahaksin teha rohkem, näha rohkem abivajajaid enda ümber ja saada lahti "Mina egost".
Mis meil puudub? Ennastsalgav armastus. Oleme kärmed õpetussõnu jagama ja kohut mõistma. Kui kasvõi pool meie kohtumõistmise energiast läheks kellelegi kaasa tundmiseks ja reaalseteks tegudeks, oleks meil lootust.